Day 5: 14 Days of Valentines. Today we profess our love to the Planet!
Last month my modeling agents from Role Models Management hosted an amazing event. Not only did we plan the future with the making of our vision boards, but we also heard a talk from Remake and Imperfect Produce. They talked to us about sustainability in fashion and food industries, and we left with beautiful shirts to encourage everyone to WEAR YOUR VALUES!

This month all of the models were challenged to pick one way we are going to be more conscious about what we wear and what clothes we buy. It is a #dresslikeyoucare campaign in partnership with Who Cares Chronicles.
And I challenge you to do it with me! Read the tips below, pick one tip, post it on your IG with a #dresslikeyoucare and challenge 3 of your friends!

I already do (6) clothing swaps, (5) love vintage, especially gowns, (1) take care of my clothes, and (3) choose quality over quantity. Within the last few months I've been (9) educating myself, researching ethical brands, and (2) reading the labels.
This year I will (8) choose ethical brands which means to "choose eco-friendly manufacturers that use ethical practices to produce goods". You can finds the sustainable brands here,
Other ways you can get more informed:
watch documentaries RiverBlue and The True Cost
watch films made by Remake
host your own clothing swap
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Let me know in the comments below or @ValeriaSweetOfficial if you've picked one of the 10 tips and will join the movement!
Stay sweet,
Valeria ♥
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