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How to Meet "The One" For You

Writer's picture: Valeria SweetValeria Sweet

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Today we'll figure out how to meet the One for you - the One that will be exactly the Right partner you dream of.

This is the partner-manifesting exercise I make all of my clients do and all of my friends who complain about being single or being in relationships they're unhappy about. (Read more about how I met my husband using this exercise in 2010 in my book The Most Wanted One In the World: How to Be "the One" to Meet "the One.")

If you're single, the simplest way to get the partner you want is to first stop looking. Then, sit and write down on paper (very important that it's on paper) every way you want your partner to be. Except for their appearance. You cannot talk about what they might look like. You have to fall in love blind.

"You have to fall in love blind." -Valeria Sweet

Pretend that, in fact, looks don't mean anything to you but what does is how they treat you. Write down how you want to be treated by them and what qualities you want them to possess. How do you want to feel in this relationship? Write down everything that's important for you too, things you want to keep in your life when the right one steps into it.

For example:

"My dream partner is:

- optimistic

- loving

- ambitious

- responsible

- reliable

- respectful, etc."

If you are in an unhappy relationship, first write down all the things you appreciate about your partner. Zoom in on these qualities. Do they take care of you? Are they nice to your family? Then write down all of the other qualities you want your partner to have. By doing both, either your partner will begin showing these qualities or you really will meet someone who has the qualities you want. More times than not, your partner will start showing up in the ways you want them to! 

"By doing both, either your partner will begin showing these qualities or you really will meet someone who has the qualities you want." - Valeria Sweet

Really brainstorm what you should include on your list and take things off the list that are too specific. Sometimes specifics could be preventing you from getting what you want. You always want to get what's best for you, not what you think is best for you.

That's it! Now you've written down what you want and all you have to do is be ready to receive what you've asked for. Be patient and know that they are on their way!

Get more examples and learn how to meet "the One" by knowing Yourself first in my book The Most Wanted One In the World: How to Be "the One" to Meet "the One":

Let me know on IG @ValeriaSweetOfficial what the exercise brought up for you and the One you met, so I can be excited for you, too!

Stay sweet,

Valeria ♥

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